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Google Kubernetes Engine

Standard Mode vs AutoPilot Mode


VPC-native cluster (default)

  • A cluster that uses alias IP address ranges is called a VPC-native cluster.

  • Take advantage of VPC Subnet Secondary IPv4 ranges (aka IP alias).

    • Nodes use the subnet’s primary IP range.
    • Pods use one of the subnet’s secondary IP ranges.
    • Services use another secondary IP range.
  • Example VPC subnets in default VPC network:

VPC Native Network for default GKE cluster .

  • Benefits:
    • Pod IP address ranges do not depend on custom static routes. They do not consume the system-generated and custom static routes quota. Instead, automatically-generated subnet routes handle routing for VPC-native clusters.
    • You can create firewall rules that apply to just Pod IP address ranges instead of any IP address on the cluster’s nodes.

Route-based cluster: cluster that uses Google Cloud routes


Terminal window
KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config_gcp gcloud container clusters get-credentials prod-cluster --region me-central2 --project juleb-304508
Terminal window
gcloud artifacts docker images list
skopeo --insecure-policy copy docker:// docker://