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Production Prepare


  • Enable API: Kubernetes, Compute Engine, VPC, Cloud SQL Admin API


  • VPC-native

  • Subnet with 1 primary IP range, 2 secondary IP ranges used for pod IP and service IP (enable private acess as well)

  • Public cluster or private cluster

  • Regional or Zonal

  • Max pods per node

  • Create a VPC in region us-east1:

    • Subnet k8s: (secondary will be added to this subnet later when we create a new GKE cluster)
    • Subnet vms:
    • Enable Service Networking
Terminal window
gcloud compute networks create juleb-vpc --project=juleb-demo-415508 --subnet-mode=custom --mtu=1460 --bgp-routing-mode=regional &&
gcloud compute networks subnets create k8s-subnet --project=juleb-demo-415508 --range= --stack-type=IPV4_ONLY --network=juleb-vpc --region=us-east1 --secondary-range=pods-range=,services-range= --enable-private-ip-google-access &&
gcloud compute networks subnets create vms-subnet --project=juleb-demo-415508 --description=a\ subnet\ for\ vms --range= --stack-type=IPV4_ONLY --network=juleb-vpc --region=us-east1 --enable-private-ip-google-access &&
gcloud compute firewall-rules create juleb-vpc-allow-custom --project=juleb-demo-415508 --network=projects/juleb-demo-415508/global/networks/juleb-vpc --description=Allows\ connection\ from\ any\ source\ to\ any\ instance\ on\ the\ network\ using\ custom\ protocols. --direction=INGRESS --priority=65534 --source-ranges=, --action=ALLOW --rules=all &&
gcloud compute firewall-rules create juleb-vpc-allow-icmp --project=juleb-demo-415508 --network=projects/juleb-demo-415508/global/networks/juleb-vpc --description=Allows\ ICMP\ connections\ from\ any\ source\ to\ any\ instance\ on\ the\ network. --direction=INGRESS --priority=65534 --source-ranges= --action=ALLOW --rules=icmp &&
gcloud compute firewall-rules create juleb-vpc-allow-ssh --project=juleb-demo-415508 --network=projects/juleb-demo-415508/global/networks/juleb-vpc --description=Allows\ TCP\ connections\ from\ any\ source\ to\ any\ instance\ on\ the\ network\ using\ port\ 22. --direction=INGRESS --priority=65534 --source-ranges= --action=ALLOW --rules=tcp:22


  • Enable FileStore CSI Driver

High Availability

  • 3 zones for 3 nodes
  • Autoscalingb