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Heterogeneous data structure


  • Consider the following structure declaration:

    struct rec {
    int i;
    int j;
    int a[2];
    int *p;
    struct rec *r;

    Jump Instructions

    • Suppose variable r is in register %rdi, the following code copies element r->i to element r->j
    movl (%rdi), %eax // get r->i
    movl %eax, 4(%rdi) // Store in r->j
    • The offset of field i is 0, the address of this field is simply the value of r.

    • The offset of field j is 4, the address of this field = address of r + offset 4.

    • Suppose variable r is in register %rdi, long integer variable i is in register %rsi, we can generate the pointer value &(r->a[i]) with the single instruction:

    leaq 8(%rdi,%rsi,4), %rax //Set %rax to &r->a[i]
  • Example 2:

    struct test {
    short *p;
    struct {
    short x;
    short y;
    } s;
    struct test *next;

    Jump Instructions

  • Example 3:


Data alignment

  • Many computer systems place restrictions on the allowable addresses for the primitive data types, requiring that the address for some objects must be a multiple of some valueK (typically 2, 4, or 8). Such alignment restrictionssimplify the design of the hardware forming the interface between the processor and the memory system.

Example 1

struct S1 {
int i;
char c;
int j;
  • Suppose the compilter use the minimal 9-byte allocation, diagrammed as follows: Jump Instructions

  • Then it would be impossible to satisfy the 4-byte alignment requirement for both fields i (offset 0) and j (offset 5). Instead, the compiler inserts a 3-byte gap (shown here as shaded in blue) between fields c and j: Jump Instructions

    As a result, j has offet 8, the overall structure size is 12 bytes

Example 2

struct S2 {
int i;
int j;
char c;

Jump Instructions