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Properties of variables

  • Every variable in a C program has three properties:

Storage duration

  • Automatic storage duration: is allocated when the surrounding block is executed; storage is deallocated when the block terminates, causing the variable to lose its value (no default init value).
  • Static storage duration: variable can stay at the same storage location as long as the program is running, allowing it to retain its value indefinitely.


  • Block scope: the variable is visible from its point of declaration to the end of the enclosing block
  • File scope: the variable is visible from its point of declaration to the end of the enclosing file.


  • External linkage: the variable may be shared by several files in a program.
  • Internal linkage: the variable is restricted to a single file, but may be shared by the functions in that file.
  • No linkage: the variable belongs to a single function and can’t be shared at all.

Storage classes

auto storage class

  • The auto storage class is legal only for variables that belong to a block. An auto variable has automatic storage duration (not surprisingly), block scope, and no linkage
  • Default for variables declared inside a block.

static storage class

static int i;
// static - file scope - internal package
void f(void)
static int j;
// static - block scope - no linkage

extern storage class

  • The extern storage class enables several source files to share the same variable.
extern int i;
// static - file scope - ? linkage
void f(void)
extern int j;
// static - block scope - ? linkage
If the variable was declared static earlier in the file (outside of any function definition), then it has
internal linkage. Otherwise (the normal case), the variable has external linkage

register storage class

Function storage class


int a;
extern int b;
static int c;
void f(int d, register int e)
auto int g;
int h;
static int i;
extern int j;
register int k;
NameStorage durationScopeLinkage


  • Deciphering complex declarations:

  • Using type definitions to simplify declarations